Yonit Kosovske: Chrome Attic

Tuesday 20 February 2018
Yonit Kosovske: Chrome Attic | Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Bourn Vincent Gallery

Chrome Attic  is a multi-media special event showcasing Dr Yonit Kosovske’s continued research and artistic exploration into the extreme contrasts of chromaticism and chiaroscuro found in both music and visual art.

The event, in association with the University of Limerick Arts Office and the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, launches Yonit’s most recent solo harpsichord CD “Chrome Attic”.

The lecture performance includes an exhibit of Yonit’s photographs, one of her short surrealist films, and performances of 17th-century Italian harpsichord and vocal music with soprano Dr Pauline Graham.

Free admission.

Tuesday 20 February 2018
Bourn Vincent Gallery
University Of Limerick
Plassey, Limerick
Telephone: +353 61 213052
Admission / price: Free
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