Bridget Flannery and Angie Shanahan: Watermarks
Artists’ Talk on Saturday 12 March at 12 noon
Bridget Flannery and Angie Shanahan will conduct a daily mark making project with visitors to Studio 12 project space. An organic mapping of the island city, retracing steps, a ‘Before Google’ exercise.
Taking the idea of a water mark the exhibition will feature drawings and mark making, works in progress by artists Bridget Flannery and Angie Shanahan. A series of drawings and sketch books will show how the elemental nature of water influences their work, taking into account the environment, sustainability and biodiversity of waterways that inspire them.
“The summer of River Swimming and Drawing”.
“Summer 2021…months of sliding into rivers feeling the silkiness of fresh water. The swiftness of its flow, the scare of its drag and the wonder of its amber colour edged with bright green plants”.
“Summer 2021…months of drawing, mark-making, scratching, sliding charcoal sticks along smooth, heavy paper. Some days swimming and drawing blurred, echoing each other in movement, effort and rhythm”.
– Bridget Flannery
Walking, Drawing, Immersing.
“The elemental pull of water whether in an urban scape following the lines of a river or within that particular water defined place, the coast influence me. I follow the south channel of the ‘spreading lee’ to my studio on a quayside where once were marshy islands. I observe changes from an ebbing tide to a rising tide, that ‘divided flood’ offering a biodiversity enriched life within, and all that’s reflected upon, its glittering surface. Ancient limestone steps, scared markers of history descend into its hidden depths. I relate to the waterways like a vital artery within my being, creating an impulse to record and draw my observations.“
– Angie Shanahan
Wandesford Quay, Cork
During exhibitions: Tuesday to Friday 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm