The Ros Tapestry

Friday 25 January – Monday 1 April 2013
The Thriving Port of Ros | The Ros Tapestry | Friday 25 January – Monday 1 April 2013 | The Cowshed Theatre, Farmleigh

Opening Reception Thursday 24 January, 6:30 – 8:30pm • Opening by Paul Kehoe TD, Government Chief Whip • Guest speaker Dr Billy Colfer

An artistic undertaking involving over hundred and fifty people working over fourteen years is unusual and inspiring. The Ros Tapestry is a unique community-embroidered art project, the scale of which is unrivaled in Europe. It comprises fifteen large panels which have been researched and designed by the internationally known artist Ann Griffin-Bernstorff.

The idea for the Ros Tapestry came from Venerable Dr Paul Mooney, missionary to seafarers who, on arrival at his new parish New Ross in 1998, was struck by the neglect of its famous founder William Marshal, Knight Errant, ‘Flower of Chivalry’ and regent of England and fortunately the Bayeux tapestry came to mind. While this embroidery was a powerful source of inspiration, the Ros Tapestry differs hugely in scale and execution.

Extensive historical research by the artist ensures that the panels are important and vital resource for an increased understanding of the development of culture, trade, language and warfare in early medieval Ireland.

Image: The Thriving Port of Ros
Friday 25 January – Monday 1 April 2013
The Cowshed Theatre, Farmleigh
Phoenix Park
Dublin 15
Telephone: +353 1 815 5900
Opening hours / start times:
Opening hours vary by exhibition.
Admission / price: Free

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