The Project Twins: Fighting Games

Tuesday 25 February – Saturday 24 May 2025
The Project Twins, from Fighting Games | The Project Twins: Fighting Games | Tuesday 25 February – Saturday 24 May 2025 | Garter Lane Arts Centre | Image: a large, square tarpaulin hanging on a wall; against a creamy-white background we see a design in which green frame surrounds a selection of icon-type images – for example, red flames coming from the left and right, as you might see in a fire warning, and a green band across the bottom with a white figure repeated across it – a running figure heading for an exit (hopefully); top left is what seems to be a blocky black-balaclava-clad head in profile, staring at a smallish wireframe globe, or a small red flash a bit farther across the image, or the two angry-looking simple emoji faces looking at us from the top right corner; there are other small symbols – a yellow fist, a small fire, a black hammer, and in the middle, taking up much room, is a black shape, like a stepped champions podium that could hold seven contestants

Fighting Games presents of a series of monumental paintings on canvas tarpaulin.

Employing minimal forms and graphic shapes, their work is rooted in the visual language of signs, symbols and pictograms which can be found in various systems of propaganda and control to communications and way-finding.

Their visual lexicon, consisting of grimacing faces, fist pumps, explosions, pixelated hearts and various graphic forms, populate the canvas in a highly composed and stylised manner. The use of doubles, symmetry, mirroring, and reduplication suggest ideas of both micro and macro conflicts, games, battles, communication, and misinformation.

Rendered in a hard edge style, reminiscent of utilitarian art movements such as Russian Constructivism and Soviet Poster Art, the work appears to directly communicate while also retaining a sense of ambiguity, allowing for interpretation and inquiry.

The use of humour and repetition creates a playful sense of absurdity, taking a wry look at various themes including a growing sense of anxiety, power structures, nationalism and identity.

The Project Twins are a Cork based collaborative art duo. Their practice is multi-disciplinary, spanning painting, print-making, design, illustration and three-dimensional work.

Their work has been exhibited in the Irish Museum of Modern Art, The Glucksman Gallery, Cork and TULCA, Galway, with works held in the permanent collections of The Glucksman Gallery, UCC, The OPW and the Zuckerman Museum of Art, USA. They have completed several large scale public and private art commissions. Currently they are working on a permanent public art piece for Luisen-Gymnasium School as part of KunstKommission Düsseldorf.

Alongside their fine art practice they regularly produce editorial illustrations for an array of international newspapers and publications. Their work has appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times, TIME and The Economist amongst others. With a focus on politics, economics and social work they produce concept driven illustrations which responds directly to the themes within the articles. They are interested in the crossover of disciplines and how they can influence and inform each other.

Image: The Project Twins, from Fighting Games
Tuesday 25 February – Saturday 24 May 2025
Garter Lane Arts Centre
O'Connell Street
Telephone: +353 51 855038
Opening hours / start times:
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 11:00 - 17:30
Thursday 11:00 - 17:30
Friday 11:00 - 17:30
Saturday 11:00 - 17:30
Admission / price: Free

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