TEST SPACE Residency 2024: Michella Perera

Limerick City Gallery of Art is delighted to welcome Michella Perera in the TEST SPACE Residency programme for 2024.
Michella Perera is a Sri Lankan-Irish artist currently based in Glasgow. Having received graduate awards for both BFA + MFA degree shows, she subsequently worked at the Glasgow Sculpture Studios and The National Sculpture Factory, Ireland.
During the TEST SPACE residency at LCGA, Perera will focus on the research and development of a series of paintings which began while on a recent trip to Sri Lanka. The trip itself led to an evolution of Perera’s practice which she hopes to develop.
‘Using the medium of sculpture, installation, and painting, I explore an embodied understanding of social paradoxes and contradictions, which often evade clear resolutions. Through the agency of material knowledge and decorative crafts of Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia, I explore femininity, female empowerment and ecofeminist strategies. Drawing from collective empathy and storytelling, the movement of peoples / cultures, and tensions of “assimilation” are actualised in my practice’.
During the residency a number of workshops will explore issues that are of interest to Perera. Visitors are welcome to chat with the artist about her work and influences.