Tadhg McSweeney: Pictures from the Surface

Kevin Kavanagh is please to present Pictures from the Surface, an exhibition of new work by Tadhg McSweeney.
McSweeney’s carefully constructed assemblages constitute a wide variety of materials, gathered, found and amassed, lit in such a way as to throw a rich selection of marks onto the wall and floor.
The focus on lighting and on cast shadows coupled with the architectural concerns and scale of these works give the impression of a city, though perhaps a city as it would appear as a stage – a fabricated and fictional environment.
In this theatrical world of sets and props McSweeney’s spatial and painterly concerns often manifest themselves in unique maquettes as they begin to take on the appearance of a tableau.
Central to McSweeney’s practice is his broad and experienced understanding of how things work as well as an acute awareness of materials. In many ways McSweeney’s work is about how we produce our environment and subsequently how we interact with that production.
Dublin 8
Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 5pm