Pat Lawson: Presently Absent

Friday 17 June – Friday 15 July 2016
Pat Lawson: Presently Absent | Friday 17 June – Friday 15 July 2016 | Atypical Gallery

Curated by the artist’s daughter, Bronagh Lawson

Artist’s conversation Thursday 30 June at 1pm • BSL interpretation confirmed

The creative urge is a lifeforce that pushes forth as if from another place. When artists of creative genius journey through life their output changes. Pat Lawson born at home in Portaferry 1941 the night of the Belfast Blitz  while his father was walking the streets of Belfast as an air raid warden. He has drawn and painted all this life, an architect by profession he has lived, loved and built in Ireland North and South, England, America and Africa. Most famously the 1960’s extension to the Ulster Museum

The joy of the creative act can be a sublime experience connecting one to the divine essence within, frustration happens as does magic. If disease hits an artist can cease or change their output altogether but facilitated by other artists a gentle nudge can reactivate much honed skills and facilitate hours of sublime creative experience.

When my wonderful flawed creative dad eventually got diagnosed with vascular dementia pain, shock, anger, fear all kicked in. Yet the experience of witnessing and helping him reconnect to his creative self after initial frustration has been a joy. Seeing how the creative urge keeps pushing through despite extreme difficulty focusing on the joy of the moment and the create act.

We artists who create sometimes also so easily forget just what a magical experience it can be for others to watch us create, feeding off the creative act by watching, feeding off the physical manifestation of creativity unfolding. When he was unable to participate he loved to appreciate or critique artistic activity going on around him.

Pat Lawson is currently living in Lecale Lodge care home in Downpatrick.

Friday 17 June – Friday 15 July 2016
Atypical Gallery
109 - 113 Royal Avenue
Belfast BT1 1FF
Telephone: +44 9023 9450
Opening hours / start times:
Tuesday 11:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 15:00
Thursday 11:00 - 15:00
Friday 11:00 - 15:00
Admission / price: Free

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