Outside The Lines: Contemporary Drawing Practice

Contemporary Drawing Practice by Kate Betts, Cecily Brennan, Brian Fay, Anita Groener, Niamh Jackman, Caoimhe Kilfeather, Patricia McKenna, Julie Merriman, Joe Stanley
Opening reception Wednesday 31 August at 6pm, Main Concourse, County Hall
Outside the Lines is an exhibition commissioned by the Arts Office of Dún Laoghaire, Rathdown County Council and curated by Ashleigh Downey and Síle O’Sullivan. It examines the diverse drawing practices of selected artists who are originally from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown or who are now living or working in the area
The exhibition presents work by nine artists who are pursuing drawing as a practice in its own right or for whom it forms an important element of their process or visual language.
It includes both traditional approaches as well as work by artists who are re-imagining the possibilities of drawing as a mark making process and using it in innovative ways through the application of unconventional tools and methodologies.
Drawing practice as presented by Outside the Lines encompasses a variety of mark making processes as well as some work in other media where drawing has been integral to its conception or achievement. The works include Kate Bett’s intricately detailed etching and collage works of bones and other fauna specimens drawn from life, watercolours by Cecily Brennan , animated drawing by Anita Groener and Brian Fay’s meticulous pencil on paper works which register and map the effect of time on old master paintings and nitrate film stock from silent cinema. Other works include Niamh Jackman’s whimsical Machine for Making Imaginary Drawings, sculpture by Caoimhe Kilfeather, installation by Patricia McKenna large scale carbon on paper work by Julie Merriman and Joe Stanley’s Auto Geo drawings, created without visual stimuli by a drawing device placed in the boot of the artist’s car which recorded the topography of a repeated journey.
Together, the work offers an insight into the importance of drawing for many contemporary artists connected to the County and reflects some of the rich and varied range of drawing practice happening there.
Outside the Lines will be an opportunity for the public to engage with the best in contemporary drawing practice from artists working with different intents and methodologies. Through this exhibition we hope to inspire and delight the audience, broadening their idea of what a drawing can be and showcase the range of visual arts practice associated with this County. Kenneth Redmond, dlr Arts Officer
Outside the Lines will be accompanied by a series of artist’s talks, workshops and related activities.
Outside the Lines is first in a new series of visual arts exhibitions that dlr Arts Office have devised to give exposure and support to the work of the many visual artists living and working in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
Forthcoming exhibitions
November 2011 An open submission exhibition of contemporary art in various locations throughout Dundrum, curated by Annette Moloney and Maeve Mulreann
February 2012 Contemporary Craft exhibition in the Concourse of the County Hall curated by Angela Kelly.
For further information about Outside the Lines and the dlr Arts Office forthcoming visual arts programme please go to www.dlrcoco.ie/arts/visual
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin