Meath Through the Lens

Meath County Council Arts Office is delighted to present a new exhibition by the Kells Photography Club entitled: Meath Through the Lens
Meath Through the Lens features the work of 22 photography enthusiasts from the region.
This exhibition presents a selection of images examining a common theme: Meath through the Lens. Each photographer approached this theme in a unique and special way.
Kells Photography Club was formed in 2017 as an amalgamation of Kells Camera Club and North Meath Photographic Society. The club meets every second Monday at 8pm in the Iona Hall, Kells. Club nights are a great mix of guest speakers, demonstrations, hands on workshops and competitions. They currently have 40+ members and new members are always welcome at every level, from complete beginners to seasoned photographers. Members can regularly be seen photographing local events such as the pink ribbon walk, Muck of Kells, Hinterland and Guth Gafa.
Headfort Road, Kells
Co. Meath
9am – 1:30pm, 2pm – 5pm (Monday – Friday) • 9am – 1:30pm, 2pm – 4pm (Saturday)