Lucy McKenna: Subliminal || Sublime – The Park Project IV

Saturday 26 January 2019
Lucy McKenna: Subliminal || Sublime – The Park Project IV | Saturday 26 January 2019 |

Subliminal messages are stimuli that lie below our threshold of conscious awareness, but if concealed messages are experienced, can our minds construct a hidden world behind the conscious curtain? These subtleties could be overlooked in our day to day lives, but perhaps there exists key markers for unlocking a moment where the Universe reveals it’s inner workings to us.

Using local history and folklore, Lucy McKenna takes Lough Key Forest Park as a location to peel back a layer of reality and reveal the potential for sublime visions, experiences and information. The Park has experienced sightings of mermaids, UFO’s, giants, ghosts, lights in the sky and portals to other places. Time has elongated, shortened, or disappeared altogether.

To experience the sublime is to experience something which is momentarily, paralysingly beautiful, but also evokes fear and commands respect. This event will be a short light-filled experience bringing you inside the Moylurg Tower in Lough Key Forest Park to see what you can see, with a hope to invoke the sublime.

Access to the tower for this event is very limited, places should be booked.

But audiences are also invited to view the work from the vicinity of the Moylurg Tower if maximum capacity is reached.

The event will also mark the launch of a newly commissioned text by Visual Art Writer in Residence, Joanne Laws.

This project is commissioned by Roscommon County Council Arts Office. With special thanks to the management and staff of Lough Key Forest Park. Thanks also to Black Powder Monkey for their contribution to the project.


Saturday 26 January 2019
Moylurg Tower
Lough Key Forest Park
Meet at the Visitor’s centre
Admission / price: Free

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