just listening – ireland calling

Note submission deadline January 20
Just Listening – Ireland Calling is an open and invited submission event being organised as part of Just Listen to showcase new and emerging work by Irish or Irish-resident sound artists and improvising artists/musicians.
The showcase will be performed live in the LSAD Gallery, Limerick School of Art & Design, LIT Clare Street Campus, Limerick on Saturday April 30 before a public audience and a number of invited international curators. Applicants are invited to submit work to justlisten@ireland.com or by post clearly marked Just Listen, National Sculpture Factory, Albert Road, Cork Ireland either as audio CD, DVD or MP3.
No other formats will be accepted. The selected artist must be available to perform a live work in Limerick on this date. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Receipt of works will not be acknowledged. Please include a stamped addressed envelope if you wish to have your application material returned.
Submissions must be received by 12 noon Thursday January 20 2011. No late submissions will be considered.
REQUIREMENTS of the sound work
Name and duration of work
Short description of work(s) maximum 100 word(optional)
Short Biography of the author, maximum 200 words
The works should be NOT longer than 10 minutes.
Maximum 2 works per artist.
Sound files in MP3 format only will be accepted for download. Applicants may also submit this material as audio CD by post. (please mark all material ‘Just Listen- NSF’). In case of files larger than 25 MB, we recommend to open a Mydrive account http://www.mydrive.ch (for free) and send us an e-mail with User and Password to download the file(s).
Works will be assessed by a curatorial panel including:
Bernard Clarke: Lyric Fm RTE
Sean Taylor: Artist/ Co-Curator – Just Listen
Danny McCarthy: Artist/Co-Curator – Just Listen
Dobz O’Brien: Programme Manager National Sculpture Factory
more details and programme: www.nationalsculpturefactory.com