‘I was a dam builder’: Testimonial (Art) Interventions in Post-Conflict Societies
In association with EVA International 2018
EVA International in partnership with Bourn Vincent Gallery, University of Limerick present a panel discussion on the role of the artist whose practice and production can be called ‘testimonial’ – giving voice and being heard. Panelists include Artist Rita Duffy RUA, Dr. Cinta Ramblado Minero, Head of School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, University of Limerick and Dr. Eóin Flannery, Acting Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Mary Immaculate College. The panel is convened and introduced by Dr. Rebecca Breen, Mary Immaculate College.
EVA website link: http://eva.ie/news-items?item=211
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/i-was-a-dam-builder-tickets-46617607519
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1423757664391952/
Plassey, Limerick