David Lunney: Silver Thicket

Friday 6 September – Sunday 6 October 2024
David Lunney, Fáinne, shirt design, 2023, Digital collage for t-shirt, Dimensions variable, Image courtesy of the artist. | David Lunney: Silver Thicket | Friday 6 September – Sunday 6 October 2024 | Royal Hibernian Academy | Images: David Lunney, Fáinne, shirt design, 2023, Digital collage for t-shirt, Dimensions variable, Image courtesy of the artist. | the work appears as though hand-drawn and hand-painted; there is a background that is mostly Celtic-style interweavings; in the centre is a sort of discontinuity in the surface which introduces what seems to be mostly landscape, though there is also more interlacing, forming an almost-closed C shape and looking quite like a crown of thorns; within this C, there are what seem to be tiny square photos – though still hand-drawn – and in the very middle an oval depicting some conifers (?) against a black sky

Lunney’s artistic practice involves the undertaking of protracted art processes. Typically, these processes start with the construction of site-specific or portable sculptural works which are brought to the the Dublin and Wicklow Mountains. These sculptures are generally created less for their inherent value but rather to provide photographic source material for documentary artworks. The resulting documentary artworks can take the form of prints, drawings or photographs. These images are rendered, framed and presented in a fashion which intentionally obscures and embellishes the original object, vista and moment that they represent.

In these artworks, it is often the relationship between representational imagery and it’s surrounding abstract visual information which infers the processes and concepts behind the work. The works have a self-contained narrative; the concept and the material process are intrinsically linked in the artworks discussion of it’s provenance.

I work as an art technician and fine art picture framer. Familiarity with the tools and materials of this trade as been a boon to my practice. I have applied new and innovative framing techniques to existing tropes within my practice. This has resulted in a hyper-detailed idiosyncratic style of which I am very proud.

Based in Dublin, David Lunney uses the Dublin and Wicklow Mountains as his “guerrilla sculpture garden”. In September ’21, Lunney undertook a 6 week residency in The Douglas Hyde Gallery which culminated in the three-person show, From Here to There, curated by Georgina Jackson. In August 2024 Lunney’s work will feature in In Real Life, a group show at the National Gallery curated by Anne Hodge. Recent shows include The Courthouse Gallery, MART Gallery, Pallas Projects and Galleri Elgen.

davidlunney.com   #SilverThicket

Image: David Lunney, Fáinne, shirt design, 2023, Digital collage for t-shirt, Dimensions variable, Image courtesy of the artist.
Friday 6 September – Sunday 6 October 2024
Royal Hibernian Academy
15 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 661 2558
Opening hours / start times:
Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday 11:00 - 19:00
Sunday 14:00 - 17:00
Admission / price: Free

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