Annual Wexford Lions Club Exhibition 2025

from Saturday 11 January
Overall Winner 2024, Jane Prendergast: Brioscáin Phrátaí | Annual Wexford Lions Club Exhibition 2025 | from Saturday 11 January | Wexford Arts Centre | Image:  Overall Winner, 2024: Jane Prendergast: Brioscáin Phrátaí | it’s hard to be certain, but this looks like watercolour on paper; photo-realistically rendered image of a bag of cheese & onion Tayto crisps; the bag is a bit crumpled, and crisps are spilling out of it

The Annual Wexford Lions Club Exhibition celebrates local talent and offers a platform for artists who are at various stages of their careers as well as those with an interest in art who wish to see their work realised within a gallery context. For this reason, it is an important show within the Wexford Arts Centre’s visual art programme. The exhibition will be on view in the lower and upper galleries of Wexford Arts Centre.

As a result of the tremendous success of previous years exhibitions and the remarkably high-quality work received, the theme for the 2025 Lions Club exhibition has again been left open. The open brief allows participants the freedom to create exciting and original artwork, and to tell their own stories. These stories or experiences can be related through a varied range of subjects such as urban and rural narratives, abstraction and even pure imagination.

Also, this year we will again feature the Young Lions gallery, dedicated exclusively to the work of young, budding artists. Young artists are encouraged to experiment with all types of mediums and objects – paints, glitter, buttons, transfers; Lego…the list is endless.

Wexford Lions Club has served the community of Wexford since 1979. This support may be monetary such as food vouchers at Christmas for families and individuals in need, or by giving their time to assist community projects such as The Trabolgan Holiday and The Message in a Bottle and the Carer’s Weekend Project.

Image: Overall Winner 2024, Jane Prendergast: Brioscáin Phrátaí
from Saturday 11 January
Wexford Arts Centre
Cornmarket, Wexford
Telephone: +353 53 9123764
Opening hours / start times:
Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 5pm Saturdays from 10am to 4pm
Admission / price: Free

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