25 Years / 25 Artists

This preview will be a day-long opening, with many of the artists visiting the gallery, so do please come along and say hello.
This exhibition marks the gallery’s 25th anniversary, a celebration showcasing the work of some of the key international and Irish artists who have worked with the gallery over the period.
Hillsboro Fine Art has been responsible for the first solo exhibitions in Ireland by many renowned international artists including Jannis Kounellis, Larry Poons, Sandro Chia, Alan Davie, Jules Olitski, John Hoyland, Enzo Cucchi, Gillian Ayres, Anthony Caro, Alex Katz, Markus Lüpertz and others. Though the gallery continues to develop its international links, its principal focus is on promoting Irish art and artists represented by the gallery.
Over this quarter of a century, these amazing artists have become close friends and incredible supporters of the gallery during our journey together. While sadly some of our best loved are no longer with us, their artworks serve to remind us of their wonderful contribution to our lives.
Basil Blackshaw, Cecilia Bullo, Anthony Caro, Sandro Chia, Enzo Cucchi, Alan Davie, Vivienne Dick, Terry Frost, John Gibbons, Patrick Graham, Patrick Hall, Tjibbe Hooghiemstra, Jonathan Hunter, Eddie Kennedy, Catherine Lee, Markus Lüpertz, Robert Motherwell, Paul Mosse, Eilís O’Connell, Gwen O’Dowd, Larry Poons, Tim Scott, John Noel Smith, George Warren, Michael Warren
Dublin 1
10.30 am – 5 pm (Mon – Fri), 10.30 am – 3 pm (Sat)