24/7: Call for Expressions of Interest

We are inviting expressions of interest from our NSF members for the second of our new online, digital platforms.
24/7 is so entitled because it alludes to the fact that artistic pursuits have no definitive timelines, there are no parameters, artists’ productive time is 24 hours 7 days a week.
The format of 24/7 takes the shape of a short visual essay presentation which delves into the things that interest artists – artists’ research. It is designed for artists to explore their artistic research or areas of interest that feed into their artmaking or art thinking. It is simply a presentation by the artist of 24 slides in 7 mins where the artist introduces the slides with an overlapping narration. And it can be completed from wherever you are during these times of Covid restrictions (basic instructions can be provided to each artist on the best formats for technically constructing these presentations, more on this below).
So for 24/7 we are asking artists to allow us into the world of interests that drives their imagination; the areas of researches that artists engage in in the formation of their artistic practice and the stuff that catalyses their creativity.
As the National Sculpture Factory is a place of production, a place where artworks are always becoming, we are interested here not in the finished artworks themselves but the disparate origins of ideas that spur artists to make what they make. This can be simple, exploratory and quite playful and expressed in whatever form you feel suitable as long as it is 24 slide images in no more than 7 mins.
This new platform is open to all NSF members and we are now seeking an expression of interest in taking part so if this is something you would be interested then please drop an email to dobz@nationalsculpturefactory.com
As we have a limited number of commissions for these 24/7 presentations we are asking interested artists to send us an email with the topic you wish to cover and a few slides to show us examples of the content. From here we will commission artists to present their 24/7 projects for a small fee.
We are planning to roll these presentations out across the summer months and each of them will be housed on our website for the duration of this platform. We will be announcing and promoting each presentation on all of our social media.
Remember this is not a platform for the presentation of an artists’ back catalogue or to showcase a particular exhibition; that is to be achieved in our third digital platform called Loquium – Artists’ Studio Talks, which will follow later in the summer.
We will send basic technical directions to all selected artists on how to manifest one of these 24/7 projects. Dominic Fee has kindly produced an example of how the 24/7 works and you can view his presentation here.
In the meantime do look out for our Instagram Factory Takeover which happens each Friday for the foreseeable future, which began with a beguiling presentation by artist Sophie Gough last Friday 22nd and will continue this week with artist Fiona Kelly.
You can follow this on our Instagram account at @nationalsculpturefactory or search using the #FactoryTakeover hashtag