14 – 5 = 126

Opening reception 11 July at 7pm, closing reception 21 July at 7pm
14 – 5 = 126 is an experimental artist led project that will take place in 126 Gallery, Queen Street, Galway. Over the course of nine days, coinciding with the Galway Arts Festival, nine artists – local, national and international – will work consecutively in the space from 6pm in the evening until opening time, 1pm in the afternoon of the following day. As part of this progressive collective installation the artist will use the gallery to his or her maximum ability and may extend from floor, wall and ceiling.
The following evening the next artist will enter the space at 6pm and continue the process.The pattern is methodically repeated and the next chosen artist will work in the gallery also from closing time to opening time. Each artist will follow the steps made by the first artist. They may erase parts or the whole work, critique it, enhance it, react to the work or decide not to react at all. This cyclical process will develop discourses, open the gallery up like a sketchbook, challenge and question methods of working singularly and as a collective. Artists will work under a certain time constraint and within strict spatial limitations. The results cannot be planned. Questions of system, structures, hierarchy and the decision making process will be analyzed by this experimentally led nine day project.
This process will be repeated until the nine chosen artists have worked for nine consecutive days as part of 126 programme for the Galway Arts festival. Every day between 1pm and 6pm the result of each days work will be shown to the public. Webcams will also be in place throughout the project so the public can view the work as it unfolds in real time.
At the end of 14 – 5 = 126 there will be a reception held of the closing ‘opening’. It will be the culmination of the nine artists’ work. A documentary video projection will reflect the process throughout the nine days. Participating artists are Alwyn Revill, Joe Nix, Alan Butler, Louise Manifold, David Beattie, Stefan Johansson, Jonathan Sammon, Karolin Reichardt and Maurits van Putten.
Hidden Valley, Galway City
Wednesday – Sunday 12 – 6 pm